Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Deep Tine Aerification Week on Greens

Last Sunday we fired up the irrigation system for the season.  No leaks, great communication and the pumps/motors are ready!

Here is Nate mowing greens this Monday morning after some light frost.  This was the week our deep tine aerication contractors do their work.  

My photos of the machine are even more blurry than this one I borrowed off of the internet.  The 1/2 inch solid tines go into the green 8 inches to break through any layers, get water and oxygen to the roots and promote additional rooting.

Here is Scott laying down topdressing sand to help fill the holes and to reduce thatch growth.  We topdress the greens every three weeks.  As always, thank you to the membership for supporting the capital equipment purchases!  We replaced our 31 year old topdressing early last summer and this machine is so efficient.  We could start going with a lighter application of sand and go every two weeks.

Second year returning staff member Jada is rolling greens after the sand was drug with the drag brush in two directions.  We will roll greens everyday this week.  

Third year on the team Chris is changing the hole location, moving tee markers and picking up trash.  After all of the processes we water the greens for 8 minutes to help work the sand in to the turf and holes.  We watered lightly each night and the rain this week helps too.


Driving Range Trees and Traverse City Light & Power

Many of our oak trees on the east side of the driving range that died from the disease oak wilt, came down over the last two weeks and on to...