Thursday, March 7, 2024

Golf Course Condition Update 3/7/24

Yes, I am very happy with the condition of the golf course and all of the playing surfaces.  My team did an amazing job last fall with all of our winter prep work.  Let's start playing and carts are available!

15 green last week.

12 green and a perfect flag stick.

We always take out our fairway mowers for a quick test after the massive winter renvovation work.  Kind of hard to see but this is the cut on 6 fairway.  Mitch has developed quit the system on our reel, bedkinfe and cutting unit set up.  The precision is out of this world!

We had our custom back pack blower racks powder coated to match our greens mowers.

This is interesting.  With the lack of much snow depth this winter, these are deer tracks on 6 green from back to front.


Driving Range Trees and Traverse City Light & Power

Many of our oak trees on the east side of the driving range that died from the disease oak wilt, came down over the last two weeks and on to...