Here is one of my top 10 pictures from the 2021 season. With the massive labor issues all over the country, I was lucky to build a team of 15 very dedicated people.
Here we are on nine green; changing the pin location (moving tee markers and getting course trash dailey), mowing the green, fixing 20 ball marks then double rolling, collar and approach mower in the front, hand bunker raking in front of the cart on the left and the rough mower behind the green in what I call the new open space.
On this morning I was following up behind the morning prep hand watering our dry areas and helping out as I could with each person as we were trying to stay ahead of the 8:00 tee times on 1 and 10.
This year I had two sets of brothers and three women on the team, a new spray technician, a new equipment technician and promoted Dan Spoor to the assistant superintendent position. One of the women on my crew has a father that is a golf course superintendent and.....both of my new staff members had worked on golf courses before.
Here is to a blessed crew during the 2021 season!