Thursday, April 16, 2020

Week Two Grounds Video and a Bonus Workout Video

We are well into week three out on the golf course but I forgot to get it post my week two video on my blog.  Turn up the audio for this week's edition!

It's been a humbling week as the Golf Association of Michigan announced to the industry that I was the recipient of their Superintendent of the Year Award!  A truly amazing honor with a rich history of heavy hitter supers from around this great state.  Thank you to the GAM, to those that nominated me and to all of the wonderful direct responses sent to me, humbling indeed.

Here is a bonus video this week to help with the stay at home order.  Thank you to our fitness trainer Troy and to Marty who produce the video. 


My 2024 Golf Course Photos - Year in Review

Nate Ensman, my longest tenured seasonal team member mowing greens.  Last winter, we were actually mowing grass the first week of February a...