Thursday, April 9, 2020
Week One Video
With our local law enforcement authorizing five of us in the grounds department to maintain and protect our biggest asset, the golf course, we are hard at it.
The upgraded Windows 10 came with a decent video editor program that I tried out after our first week of work. No need having one of my three kids help me every week make the video, I am in the editing game now.
It's really surreal driving to and from work and going into the grocery store since I am "back to work" from staying home for 14 days after my oldest son had to return from his University of Michigan study abroad program in Costa Rica.
I think I have more of a guilty surreal feeling because my days are a bit back to normal here at The Club but Sue and the boys and most of the world are still at home. Stay safe and here is my first shot for an Oscar.
My 2024 Golf Course Photos - Year in Review
Nate Ensman, my longest tenured seasonal team member mowing greens. Last winter, we were actually mowing grass the first week of February a...
My apologies for not updating my blog for a while but here a few of the interesting things we have been doing. Every fall we add bunker san...
Two weeks ago I invited Melanie Collinsworth to The Club. She is the District Director for Congressman Jack Bergman. I am one of the regio...
The new wine locker display and storage, this was the old coat room. This is walking into the entran...