Monday, February 13, 2017

Winter Equipment Maintenance Update

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Every winter we completely rebuild our vibratory greens rollers.

We roll the greens every day from mid-May through mid September.  In the fall when the growth slows down we roll every other day into mid-October.

There are three vibratory rollers on our triplex.  The bearings and vibrating mechanism really take a beating and always need a major overhaul in the winter.

Here is our 20 year old Kubota tractor.  This winter we replaced all of the rear axle bushings and seals on both the right and left side.

After this repair we moved on to our green and tee cutting units.

Winter Reel Grinding Operations

This is our reel grinder that sharpens our 15 green and tee reels as well as the 20 fairway units.  We have numerous computer programs that ...