Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Fall Tree Planting Program

This is a Norway Spruce, it was planted left of 9 green near the property line.

We now have two Norway Spruces left of 9 green.

Each new tree will have its own drip irrigation control.

This is a new Sugar Maple on the right of 8 fairway.  You can see in the foreground where we removed the damaged Chinese Elm and in the back ground was the latest Ash Tree that was infected and removed.

Tyler and Jeff mowing fairways today.

Next they are planting two Imperial Honeylocust trees right of 8. These two new trees will match the other stand of locust in that area.

Winter Reel Grinding Operations

This is our reel grinder that sharpens our 15 green and tee reels as well as the 20 fairway units.  We have numerous computer programs that ...