Thursday, December 28, 2023

My Year in Review - 34 Moments in Pictures

Last winter started out mild just like this one has.  Scott and Dan were out in January trimming trees on 2,3 and 15.

Then the guys moved over to holes 8 and 11.

Winter did show up enough last year to start grooming our three cross country trails.

February brought on my national conference and I started my second year on the GCSAA board of directors.

I am flanked here by two GCSAA past presidents.  On the left is Jon Maddern from the old Elk Ridge Golf Course and John Fulling, from Kalamazoo Country Club.  I am the sixth Michigan superintendent serving on the national board.

During the opening reception at Sea World, I met up with my past assistant superintendent Mike Bogroff on the left and Ian Daniels, an intern for me for two years.  Both are very succussful superintendents and have incredible families.

Spring 2023 has almost sprung.

Small buds on the maples and snow on the ground but man does that sixth green look amazing!

This is my equipment manager Mitch.  During his second season on board with me, he made dozens of changes to our winter reel maintenance program.  Here we are checking the first cut of the season with a prism gauge.

During mid May in 2023 our irrigation well, just east of the forward tee on 3 stopped working.  The well motor/pump is 280 feet deep and was replaced including the pipe casing.  

One of my top three pics of the season right here.  We host the Traverse City Central golf invitational every summer.  Scott has the national anthum playing over the speaker and everyone is looking at the centennial flag before the start of the event.

A much over due cart path entrance sod project on 6.

Our best event of the summer!!!!

Chef Jack cooked the Big Hog all night out on the golf course!

Driving up to the clubhouse area, range tee, the putter and the first tee every morning, this view never gets old!  Vision 2020 continues to grow our Gem on the Hill.

From the eyes of our US Coast Guard.

Hosting and setting up the Red Wings outing each year is always a fun moring!  

Let there be light on the fifth tee.  We cleared all of the brush to the east of the tee and behind four green.  Both playing surfaces improved in the first week of sunshine and better air circulation.

During early August, Brandon Theopholus and I presenting the master plan renovation created by Renaissance Golf Design to the green committee. 

This storm blew in two weeks before our August Member Guest and made a gigantic mess of the entire property.  The south end did get it much worse but a big down draft hit trees all the way down 17 on the left.

Dan and Scott attacked the damage the morning after and worked on this area for days.

Joe and his clubhouse crew always getting work done behind the scenes just like we do.  Great to have you on the team here at The Club Joe!

We always get a third fairway mower and numerous other pieces of equipment during the August Member Guest.  With dark August mornings at 5:30 am and the 8:30 shotgun start three days in a row, it's all hands and equipment on deck to get the job done in short fashion.

The Derby and our four hole prep before the tee off for the best evening of the year.

Our family cook out at the grounds facility is a September highlight for everyone!

We had 56 people in attendance for burgers, hot dogs and cart rides.

I came across an image of haven't seen before.  This is the par 5 looking north that goes from the tee on the back of the range, across Cass road.  You lay up your second shot before boot lake then hit to this green.  Number 6 was a par three back over book lake with a long walking wood bridge.

We worked on the secret garden this summer and wow did it turn out great!  

Another view but neither of these pictures do it justice showing how amazing it is.  2024 will bring an arched sitting and family picture taking area.

The month of September brings on bunker prep for next season.

The sunrises move south in the fall.  Look at that great fairway mower clean up edge!

Another top three pictures of the year!  So proud of our membership and their participation in the Eagles for Children program.

My best picture of the year!  This was during Elliott's Make-a-Wish trip to Hawaii last winter.  He wanted to attend a PGA tour event and meet the pros.  

On the left, Luke is 21 and is a senior at MSU, Sue is in her 27th year of teaching at Frankfort Elementary School, January 4th starts my 28th yeay at TCCC.  Elliott is now 6" 3' and is starting his third year post brain surgery, is a senior in high school and will be a Spartan next year.  Evan is our U of M grad and back from working in New York City for two plus years.  

Thanks for following along until the end and Happy New Year!


Driving Range Trees and Traverse City Light & Power

Many of our oak trees on the east side of the driving range that died from the disease oak wilt, came down over the last two weeks and on to...