Thursday, July 4, 2024

Every Wednesday is Safety Training Day

Special thanks to one of our own team members, Adele for sharing her EMT experiece and how to use our defibulator.  Adele has been with us since she was in 9th grade and now works five days a week as a certified EMT in Traverse City and still works part time on the grounds staff.

I let her know she gets to do this again on Monday since we were missing five of our team members being off on the 3rd.

Hey sups out there, this new Wednesdays from 11:00 to 11:10 works great for us this year.  The team acually looks forward to it, last week I walked in at 11:00 for lunch and forgot about it, they were all waiting for me.  I put the topics on the daily job board then just save the Google doc in a seperate safety folder for an OSHA visits plus it shows who was in attendance with just saving the job board.


Driving Range Trees and Traverse City Light & Power

Many of our oak trees on the east side of the driving range that died from the disease oak wilt, came down over the last two weeks and on to...