It was sad news to hear yesterday that Dr. Beard had passed away. As everyone has said, he was a true legend in the turfgrass research field. Dr. Beard has a great history with northern Michigan as well as with Traverse City Golf & Country Club and I got to fit into that his history a few times and find out what a kind man he was.
I met Dr. Beard when I was an assistant at Crystal Downs Country Club. He was in contact with Mike Morris the superintendent about conducting some green speed research for him, I think the year was 1992. I was lucky enough to perform that research for Mike and Jim every morning for two weeks on our nursery green. Jim had a summer home in Leelanau County and was also a past member of our local chapter, The Northern Michigan Turf Managers Association.
In 2001 the chapter gave Ed Karacheski the Distinguished Service Award. Ed was the golf pro and superintendent at TCGCC for over 30 years and was a founding member of the NMTMA. Ed's son Jim accepted the award as Ed had died a few years earlier. Dr. Beard sent a letter to the chapter describing the history he had with Ed, MSU and Traverse City Golf & CC.
Jump back to 1963 when Dr. Beard planted his first test plots for Michigan State University in Traverse City. Here is a link to that letter Beard History at TCGCC.
Dr. Beard at TCGCC during the MSU Field Day in 1972. Our tennis courts currently reside there now.
Dr. Beard and Ed Karcheski 1972 |
Dr. Beard and me in the same location 2010 |
Steve Hammon