Monday, April 28, 2014

The Last Few Days of April

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Dave Harner is blowing a few of our worst fescue areas.  With winter arriving early last fall we didn't get all of the clean up finished.

John Roth our spray technician, is in the cab left of #1 spraying the fescue areas for weeds.  We do this each spring before the fescue starts to grow and to keep them looking like the photo below.

Tyler is moving the range mats and changing the yardages for the day.

Be sure to view the new sign for the correct way to practice on the range tee.

Scott & Jeff are putting the finishing spring clean up touches on the entrance, 1/2 way house and parking lot islands.  We are still waiting for many of the snow plow piles to melt.  Maybe they will be gone by this weekend with all of the rain coming.

Last week we verticut the three greens that had the most snow mold damage on them. The verticuts also help stand the long blades of grass up before we mow them for a smoother surface. This will help stimulate growth. Greens mowing height will be a little higher than normal in the spring to encourage rooting and winter damage recovery.

This is picture from inside our spray room.  We designed and installed a water filling system that can fill our 300 gallon fairway sprayer with water in 2 minutes and 45 seconds.  Our tank turn around time has been cut by 3/4.

Winter Reel Grinding Operations

This is our reel grinder that sharpens our 15 green and tee reels as well as the 20 fairway units.  We have numerous computer programs that ...