Monday, March 3, 2014

First Week of March

As crazy as this sounds it was -27 degrees on the way to work this morning and that was with no wind.  It was perfectly clear and calm.

Thank goodness the golf course is still covered in a deep layer of snow.  My colleagues in the Detroit area are already seeing dead grass from this brutal winter.  We didn't receive the heavy rains back in December like they did so we don't have a 2 inch layer of ice.

Here is a photo that a member shared with me from this weekend.  We are still grooming the cross country trail on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, come on out.

Dave is working on his last set of reel cutting units.  This is the machine that we use to mow the intermediate cut around the fairways, greens and the walking paths from the tees.

Freshly sharpened plus new bearings.

This is our enclosed state of the art reel grinder.

After these reels are finished we will start our winter maintenance on both sprayers.

This is our 300 gallon fairway and rough sprayer.

Think Spring - Steve

Winter Reel Grinding Operations

This is our reel grinder that sharpens our 15 green and tee reels as well as the 20 fairway units.  We have numerous computer programs that ...