Monday, July 1, 2013

Topdressing and Misc. Photos

On Monday we topdressed, brushed, watered and we use our vibrating rollers to help work the sand into the turf.  We do this every 3 weeks to keep the greens, smooth and the sand eats away at the thatch to keep them firm.  We will also continue installing brick pavers next to the 13th tee for the relocated cooler and beverage station.

Happy 4th of July!


July 11th is the Big Hog Stag
A view of the 4th green last Saturday morning.

Be sure to sign up for the 4th of July Big Hole event, it's an 8:30 start.



Driving Range Trees and Traverse City Light & Power

Many of our oak trees on the east side of the driving range that died from the disease oak wilt, came down over the last two weeks and on to...