Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Late November Work

 This is a photo of a Silver Maple on 10 which shows a treated wound.  If you have any damaged trees on your property you can use latex paint to help protect the tree from further rot, disease and insects.
 Before winter sets in for good we apply sand to our weaker greens that have had crown hydration/ice damage in the past.  The pin location has been cut on the approach.
Crown hydration is when a winter thaw occurs and the plants start taking up water.  Then the temperature drops dramatically in a short period of time and the water freezes and ruptures the crown of the plant. The sand helps protect the crowns but is not a guarantee from mother natures forces.

Winter Reel Grinding Operations

This is our reel grinder that sharpens our 15 green and tee reels as well as the 20 fairway units.  We have numerous computer programs that ...